Wes Huff vs. Billy Carson: Tale of the Text
Back in October AC's very own Wes participated in an online debate with the globally known ancient aliens and New Age proponent, Billy Carson. What could have otherwise been a relatively normal event has turned into somewhat of a fiasco, with Billy attempting to suppress the footage and even going as far as to threaten to sue Wes! On this week's episode the quad: Andy, Troy, Steve, and Wes, sat down to reveal the story behind the story.
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I do not believe Christianity is the correct trajectory for this civilization. There has been thousands of years of Christianity and other world religions that have clearly not given rise to the spiritual sufficiency required to change our paradigm. There exists a tremendous amount of problems in this world that wouldn’t be there if people had a proper civilizational understanding which is directly tied to a greater spiritual understanding. The greater spiritual understanding does not exist within the confines of Christianity. I would never surrender my own mind to such a limited area of knowledge. The truths about many things have been scattered around this world. It would be incredible to contain all the world’s truthfulness in a singular book, but that book does not currently exist. I see the competitiveness between the many different Christian denominations. Why is the Christian religion divided into so many different perspectives or interpretations? Cooperation is to the wise and competitiveness is to the unwise. It is not proper to put the blame squarely on the existence of a Satan. It will only divert people from the true cause of civilizational distresses. Go look in the mirror and ask yourselves who is truly giving strength to a world controlling elite. I do not believe Billy Carson performed well in the debate. Wes Huff managed to prove him wrong a few times. How is that enough to discredit? Over hundreds of other things to discuss that would surely cause Wes Huff to questions his beliefs. Billy did not react appropriately after the debate. Which was surprising to many. That still doesn’t mean Billy is a terrible person. He does have credible information that can be backed by evidence. He is in possession of knowledge that largely debunks Christianity. Where was he during this debate? I’m not certain. I have been watching both Billy Carson and Paul Wallis reveal some incredible insights on your evil religion. Perhaps Wes Huff has won a battle against Billy but he Will not win the war. A war that was flamed by many so called “Christians” attempting to discredit and claim his career is over. This echoes of cancel culture and not of proper Christian values. I could say a lot but I refuse to spend anymore energy here. All the world religions have been dangerous man made inventions. Religion is nothing but a fabrication. A truth that shall soon be fully revealed to the masses. I hope Wes Huff realizes that he’s crossing into the territory of people who have been in extra-terrestrial contact. ETI people who have a superior intelligence. The world of false man made religions is on the brink of defeat and no amount of justifications or eagerness to prevail in discussions will succeed to preserve it. I don’t need your false religion to understand the existence of a source creator that all individuals collectively bring into formation.
You should debate Wesley