Doomsday Clock: “Jesus is Coming, Look Busy!”
Jesus is coming, look… busy? Stressed? Coming off the back of a large environmental meeting called the World Economic Forum, the symbol of man made catastrophe, the “Doomsday clock has been ticking down the seconds to nuclear apocalypse for three-quarters of a century. It has since been set backward eight times and forward 17 times for a total of 25, the farthest from midnight being 17 minutes in 1991, and the nearest being 90 seconds, set on January 24, 2023. As of 2007, what added to list of criteria for the changing of the clock include environmentalism. Listen as Andy, Steve and Troy discuss the concerning similarities between Christian and Secular worldviews regarding “the end of the days.”
Doomsday Clock: “Jesus is Coming, Look Busy!” Read More »