Apologetics Canada partners with a group of speakers from various places to serve you. To invite them to your event, please click the button below to fill out the speaker request form.


Bryan Pue

The Union Movement

The Union Movement exists to help people find wholeness by presenting a gospel-centred, holistic approach to the topics of identity, sexuality, and relationships. The Union exists to help individuals, churches and church leadership have a biblically grounded perspective on these challenging topics.

Bryan and Bonnie are the founders of The Union, and are both experienced communicators,  bringing life-altering, approachable lessons to audiences of all sizes. Drawing from the teachings of Jesus, the apostolic letters, and Old Testament narratives, Bryan and Bonnie are committed to bringing the truth of Scripture in a culturally relevant, compassionate way so that people's lives can be changed by the Spirit of God. In a world of judgement and despair, Bryan and Bonnie bring a compassionate message focused on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and His desire for the flourishing of humanity.

For more info on The Union Movement visit and follow them on social media @theunionmovement


Specialty: Sex, Sexuality, Marriage, Gender

General Audience

Breaking Stigmas, Finding Wholeness
How to Stop the Sexual Mistakes of Your Pasty from Reaching into Your Future

Integrating God's Design of your Body and Soul into Spiritual Health

The Essential Family (1-3 sessions)
How Having an Intentional Family Life is Key to Bringing Jesus to This Generation.

Talking to Your Kids About Sex (1-3 sessions)
The Value of Early, Awkward Conversations for the Sake of Their Future

Wrestling with Identity: A Look at Gender
Finding Peace with Who We Are as Sons and Daughters, through the Blessings of God the Father


Church Staff & Leadership

The Starting Point (1-3 sessions)
Looking at the Themes of Sexuality and Holiness through Historical, Cultural, and Biblical Lens

The Church, a Holy People
Recognizing the Church's Need for Sexual Purity and Why the Enemy Targets It

Matters of Reformation
The Critical Link Between Sexual Morality, the Sanctity of Life, Worship, and Revival in the Church

Nothing Hidden - 5 Keys to Sexual Integrity in Church Community
Building Church Culture that Foster Sexual Integrity and Longevity in Leaders' Lives


Youth & Young Adults

The Gender Puzzle
Our Design, the Unique Pressures We Face as Men and Women, and Our God-given Mandate

The Driving Force of Sexual Desire
The God-given Context and Power of Human Sexuality

Living Unashamed
What Shame Tells Us, and How to Get Free from Its Affect

Being Single and Finding Love (1-3 sessions)
Insights about Facing Loneliness, Healthy Friendships, and Realistic Expectations

Married Life
Laying Healthy Foundations for the Sake of Lasting Love

What Does the Bible Say About LGBTQ+?
Taking a Look at God's Design and Remembering His Kind Intentions Towards Us


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