The Apologetics Canada Podcast helps churches understand and speak the language of our culture and address questions being asked with intellectual honesty, gentleness and respect. We also offer a podcast for kids.


Is This Thing On?: Prayer and the Practice of Communing with God

AC PODCAST Is This Thing On?: Prayer and the Practice of Communing with God Our Father, who art in Heaven, are these prayers worth ...
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All Eyes on Me: Surviving Public Opinion

AC PODCAST All Eyes on Me: Surviving Public Opinion Ready to step into the spotlight? The stage has always been a place of both ...
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Still Christian?: What Canadian Christians Actually Believe w/ Andrew Bennett

AC PODCAST Still Christian?: What Canadian Christians Actually Believe w/ Andrew Bennett Is there one true God in three Persons, the Father, the Son, ...
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Lights On: With Carl Lentz

AC PODCAST Lights On: With Carl Lentz Carl Lentz is the former lead pastor from Hillsong New York. Along with pastoring one of the ...
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Biblical Contradictions Part 2

AC PODCAST Biblical Contradictions Part 2 We're excited to bring you part two of Wes and Steve's discussion on alleged Bible contradictions. This week, ...
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Pope Francis’ Comments on AI at G7

AC PODCAST Pope Francis' Comments on AI at G7 The Annual G-7 Summit just took place in Italy, where world delegates discussed many pressing ...
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Hand Out vs Hand Up: Processing Malawi’s Hungry Season

AC PODCAST Hand Out vs Hand Up: Processing Malawi's Hungry Season We've all heard the old proverb about giving a man a fish versus ...
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Celebrating 500 Episodes!

AC PODCAST Celebrating 500 Episodes! This is a special week in the life of AC. This week marks the 500th episode of the AC ...
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The Rwandan Genocide

AC PODCAST The Rwandan Genocide It's been 30 years since the Rwandan genocide, and like other tragedies, it continues to impact generations, as documented ...
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Biblical Contradictions Part 1

AC PODCAST Biblical Contradictions Part 1 "The Bible is the word of God." So say Christians. One implication of this is that the Bible ...
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The Surprising Demise of Atheism

AC PODCAST The Surprising Demise of Atheism The Four Horsemen of the New Atheists: Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett, have ...
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Satan, the Good Guy?

AC PODCAST Satan, the Good Guy? Is Satan the good guy? Spoiler alert: absolutely not. Yet, there's a rising trend in secular circles casting ...
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