What's a good life? Everyone wants to live one but seldom do we come across those who have carefully thought through this question. How do the questions we've been covering so far in this series (What is human? What is the value of human life? What leads to human flourishing?) build up to the question of how we should live?
This week, Andy, Steve, and Terry continue with the fourth and the final session of The Human Project series of our podcast program. To learn more about The Human Project, go to thehumanproject.ca.
How Should Humans Live?: The Human Project Session Four
Links & Articles
The Human Project from Apologetics Canada
For the Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb, and the Murder That Shocked Jazz Age Chicago by Simon Baatz
Christianity: The True Humanism by Thomas Howard & J.I. Packer
Intro Music
by Zac Nelson
Outro Music
Five Spiral
by Wildlife