The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum that is being implemented in BC and has caused great concerns among many people, even the LGBTQ community. Join Andy and Terry as they interview Jenn Smith, a transgender-identified male, to discuss his concerns with what he explains is a dangerous curriculum.
"SOGI Is Dangerous": An Interview with Jenn Smith, a Trans-Identified Male
Intro Music

by Josh Leake
Outro Music

Counting the Money
by The Robbery
It’s dangerous indeed. So RBC, TD and other banks should not fund it! Please tell them to stop using our money to fund an initiative that takes away parents’ rights:
Thankyou for your honesty Jenn! Keep speaking this truth.
All SOGI 123 resources need to be reviewed, not only for content but for delivery methods. SOGI 123 resources need to be replaced with truly inclusive and helpful resources that teach understanding and kindness to children without undermining traditional values and exposing children to extreme and unusual ideologies.
I had a friend contact me as she knows I have been outspoken against SOGI 123. He daughter was claiming to be transgender at school. She was looking for advice. Turns out her kid wasn’t transgender. She was just a lonely girl struggling to make friends and claiming to be trans got her acceptance and friends. Can you imagine if her parents coddled this in her for fear of being called homophobes? They could have encouraged the sterilization of their daughter who just needed a friend.
Us old goths are still around! 😉 lol
Old goth, more like fake goth 😂
I hope this parent has found the right kind of help for her child.
This is why gay-straight clubs are dangerous – they entice lonely kids.
Equally misleading is the Trojan horse called SOGI and all of its resources.
Wonderful interview. I loved the comment about common sense. Jenn you have really utilized your life experience to develop a deep sense of courage and integrity on both the intellectual and heart level. Many thanks for your contribution here.
Say what you will about “common sense” but Jenn’s is incredibly wrong and hateful.
Can you please specify where Jenn is “incredibly wrong and hateful”.
Have you seen the hateful comments of gay activists – – “bigot”, “transphobe”, “homophobe”, shutting down free speech (what are these protesters scared of? The Truth?
Why don’t they challenge Jenn Smith to a rational debate?
Exposure of lies and Fear of the truth.
I am getting a little tired of people filled with hate claiming I am hateful because I care about these kids and care about our freedoms.
Wow, I care about these kids and I care about our freedoms, and yet, you seem to be the one filled with hate.