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What’s Going on in Israel: An Inside Perspective

If you've been paying even casual attention to your news feeds you'll have seen a lot of chaos and turmoil going on in the Middle East. The recent attacks in Israel and the response in reply against Hamas could very understandably be leaving you wondering what is going on. On today's episode Wes Huff sat down with Avner Boskey, a Jewish Canadian Christian currently living and ministering in Israel, to give some background and help us understand both what is going on currently as well as how we can respond as Christians. Avner's knowledge, personal experience, and heart for the gospel are clear and evident in this week's episode. We hope Avner's words will both educate and encourage you in navigating through the ongoing upheaval in currently in Israel and Palestine.

Avner Boskey's Official Website

2 thoughts on “What’s Going on in Israel: An Inside Perspective”

  1. God is certainly Biblically correct. I suggest you read Moses’ writings and especially his parting words in Deuteronomy. He predicted they would not follow God as he said they didn’t follow God when he was with them. He told them that God would remove them from the Land just as they removed the Canaanites for the same cruel idolatry. Also, throughout the Old Testament. God literally prevented Jeremiah from praying for Israel because of their stubborn idolatry. Unless Israel is serving God they are under a curse. Jesus in John’s book of Revelation calls certain groups of them Synagogues of Satan. If you believe that paratroopers and bulldozers got through Israel’s incredible defenses unnoticed, even after advanced warnings from Egypt, and massacred for hours without Israel knowing I don’t know what to say to you.
    Netanyahu is highly corrupt and needs to be investigated. Now not when he is done killing. I believe this attack on Israel was allowed to bring the genocide that is happening. I also believe there has been massive oppression on Palestinians previous to this. This is so by many first hand accounts I have heard. There is literally one verse that says pray for the peace of Jerusalem in the Psalms and written by David when the people were mostly on good terms with God and serving Him. There are many scriptures that condemn Israel for idolatry and even human sacrifice. Burning alive of their own children to idols. That said God always has a remnant and at some point Israel will turn back to Him. Until then and beyond I don’t pray for my will but the will of my Father and for His kingdom to come as Jesus taught. We are not to try and manipulate God into doing what we think is right, but to align ourselves with His will. Pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven as Jesus taught not human traditions.

  2. Tracy, as your brother in Christ I want to encourage you to study your Bible before speaking out again on prophecy and eschatology. I’m going to trust that someday you’ll look back on what your wrote with both embarrassment and with the forgiveness of our Lord and savior.

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