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Answering Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson on the Myth of Science

Humanity has certainly accomplished remarkable feats through science and engineering. But how do these very useful human enterprises work? Do they stand by themselves or do they need something more? Andy, Steve, and Wes are back for a continued discussion on the dialogue between Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson as they delve into the “myth” of science in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.

Watch part 1 on YouTube!


1 thought on “Answering Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson on the Myth of Science”

  1. WOW! Thankyou for this discussion on Jordan Peterson especially. I have come to this same conclusion that Wes expressed…..a love/hate perspective regarding the incredible rhetorical gifts that Dr. Peterson has. The love side is in his great ability to communicate and his most eloquent and beautiful use of the English language! The hate side or maybe a more appropriate term; the way in which I feel uncomfortable or not totally convinced that his hypothesis is absolute or fully accurate, this has been a difficult rationale for me to fully grip. One observation that Peterson and as well Mr. Barron the bishop from the Roman institution both have in common; they do not really seem to have their own conviction or their personalized understanding or thoughts. They both spend a lot of time quoting other philosophers or “dead men” and as in Mr. Barrons case a “dead language” such as Latin to make their case. It is so difficult for me to put my finger on what it is that rubs me the wrong way as I really appreciate their dedication and passion for communicating ideas. The main ingredient that seems to be missing is that personal relationship with YESHUA! When one comes to know HIM rather than simply “knowing of” HIM a radical change happens whereby our thoughts become HIS thoughts or HIS thoughts become our thoughts but ultimately our soul speaks through our minds and our heart agrees. This may be what is missing in their rhetoric? A simple two letter word “of” seems to make all the difference.

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