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Calling Out False Teachers

For as long as the Christian faith has existed, interpretations and practice of biblical faith have varied. But there's a significant difference between differing of opinion on non-salvific issues and the outright teaching of a false gospel. So, how do we handle false teaching and teachers? This week on the AC Podcast, Troy, Andy, and Wes discuss the complexities of "Calling Out False Teachers" and explore what it means to defend the faith with grace and true, while valuing the person.

Podcast Episode References (Click Title to View):

- Jumping Ship, Part One: The Deconstruction of Rhett's Faith

- Jumping Ship, Part Two: The Deconstruction of Link's Faith

Watch part 1 on YouTube!


1 thought on “Calling Out False Teachers”

  1. Hi There,
    I appreciated your podcast on calling out false teachers. I prefer to approach someone who teaches a false gospel intending to save their soul. The objective is to point out false teachings and save souls rather than barge in there and call them false teachers. A good example of this perhaps would be how Priscilla and Aquilla approached Apollos in the Book of Acts.

    I, for example, don’t believe that salvation is by “faith alone” (Jas. 2:24). That would mean most of the people I encounter in the denominational world would not teach the truth about salvation from my understanding of scripture. We can certainly see that before Jesus ascended back into heaven He gave what we call the Great Commission. And in that Commission, He required more than just “faith alone” for salvation. And when we look at the many examples in the Book of Acts, we see the early disciples preaching these requirements given under His commission to spread the gospel to the world. Under the Great Commission those who were willing to believe and confess Jesus were also called to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins. These conditions are seen in the terms Jesus gave when He sent His disciples to preach the gospel. They are also seen in many of the examples in the Book of Acts. Thank you for your time. I hope that opens up a door for a discussion on this issue.


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