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Andy Bannister Round 750

Andy Bannister, PhD

Andy is the Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity and is an experienced international speaker. He has authored many books and other resources.

Andy holds a PhD in Islamic studies and has taught extensively at universities across Canada, the USA, the UK and further afield on both Islam and philosophy. He is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology and is also Adjunct Faculty at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.

He is also a co-presenter of Pod of the Gaps, a popular podcast that combines theology, culture and humour, and aims to help Christians explore the challenges (and opportunities!) of living in the 21st century.

When not travelling, speaking, or writing, Andy is a keen hiker, mountain climber and photographer. He is married to Astrid and they have two children, Caitriona and Christopher.

Andy on AC Podcast: Baptists, Beards and Burqas: An Interview with Andy Bannister 


Specialty: Islam, Culture, Apologetics

How to Talk about Jesus without Getting Fired / Cancelled / Looking Like an Idiot

A Better Story of Happiness

Are You More Than Your Resume

Are We Free and Does It Matter?

Atheism and the Burden of Proof
Is Atheism the Neutral and Natural Position?

Beast or Masterpiece?
What Does It Mean to Be Human?

Bringing it Back to Jesus
Natually Connecting Conversations to Christ

Can I Be Sure the Bible Isn't a Fairy Tale?

Can Life Have Meaning Without God?

Irrelevant, Out of Date & Intolerant?

Confident Faith

Conversational Evangelism

Digital Evangelism
Effectively Using Digital Media for the Gospel

Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?

Does Prayer Work?

Does Religion Poison Everything?

What Would Jesus Say to Greta Thunberg?

Evangelism In A Culture of Confusion
Some Lessons for Leaders

Five Steps to Answer Any Tough Question

Given All the Options, Why Jesus?

God and Allah
Same God with Different Names?

Has Science Buried God?

Hope In A Time of Fear

How Can We Make Sense of Suffering?

How to Avoid Being an Undercover Christian
Sharing Your Faith Without Fear

Ideas Have Consequences
Why Your Choice of Worldview Matters

Is Anything Worth Believing?

Is Christianity a Delusion?

Is There Hope for the Future?

Isolation or Inclusion
Why Has Being More Connected Made Us Feel More Lonely?

Jesus and the Failures of the Church

Jesus in Islam
Point of Islam or Point of Difference?

Made in His Image
Imago Dei as a Reason to Believe

More Than Words Required
God and the Problem of Evil

Pain, Pandemics and Putin
Where is Hope to Be Found?

Pursuit of Happiness
Why We Look for Happiness in All the Wrong Places

Reaching the Apathetic and Disinterested

Why Rights and Justice Make No Sense Without God

Sexuality & Identity
Is Christianity Oppressive?

Sharing Hope in a Culture of Confusion

Something More This Christmas?

How Can We Flourish in a Digital World?

The Cost of Discipleship
Following Jesus in a Postmodern World

The Master Question Asker
Learning from Jesus' Approach to Evangelism

The Question of God
Where Does the Evidence Point?

The Sceptic's Guide to Atheism
Its Current Popularity and Basic Problems

Three Fears That Keep Christians From Sharing Their Faith (And How to Defeat Them)

True For You, Not True For Me?

Understanding and Answer Our Atheist Friends

Understanding and Reaching Our Muslim Friends / Neighbours

War and Peace

What Does the Good Society Look Like and How Do We Get There?

What is God Really Like And How Can We Know?

What is the Deal With the Resurrection?

What's So Special About Jesus?

What's the Best Way to Share Your Faith with a Muslim?

Where Might Christianity Be in Twenty Years And How Can We Prepare For It Today?

Why Am I Not Convinced By the Qur'an?

Why I Am Not a Muslim

Why I Am Not an Atheist

Why We Need Jesus Christ

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