The Apologetics Canada Podcast helps churches understand and speak the language of our culture and address questions being asked with intellectual honesty, gentleness and respect. We also offer a podcast for kids.


Devolving?: How We Lost Our Humanity

C. S. Lewis' book, The Abolition of Man, is a powerful critique of certain dehumanizing secular philosophies that were being taught to school children. The ...
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Reflection: A Year of Living in a Pandemic

It's been almost a year since COVID began to cause things to shut down in Canada. During that time, the pandemic has been very ...
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The Abolition of Man: A Conversation with Dr. Louis Markos

C. S. Lewis was a prolific writer who is credited for sparking interest in theology for many who entered Bible schools and seminaries. Though ...
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Storming the Capitol: Implications of a Post-Truth Culture

American politics rose to international notoriety as we began the year. Rioters stormed the Congress in order to disrupt the process of making the ...
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Welcoming Troy Lydiate to the AC Podcast

Happy new year! As we kick off year 2021, Apologetics Canada has an exciting development they would like to announce.  Today, you will get ...
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Science and Faith: A Discussion with a Christian Research Scientist

How does your church handle discussions on science and faith? Do we perhaps look at the church with preconceived ideas of how she might ...
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The Scandal of Christmas

Christmas. It brings up images of Christmas trees, houses decorated with lights, presents, and Santa Claus. Yet, what did it mean for the 1st-century ...
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Same Coin, Two Sides: Discussing the Two Nativity Accounts in Matthew and Luke

Many of us remember the Christmas pageants from our childhood church experience, with children dressed as Mary, Joseph, the animals, the star, and more. ...
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The Future of Science: Discussing the Importance of Quantum Gravity

Quantum mechanics is a field that is often brought up in discussion of theology and philosophy. The mere mention of it is intimidating to ...
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Conversion Therapy Ban: What You Need to Know

As of the release of this episode, there is a bill before the Justice Committee at the Canadian Parliament. Bill C-6, if passed into ...
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Is “Black Friday” Racist?: A Discussion with Lindsay Brooks on the Racism of Language

Even as we shape our language, the language shapes us, too. So much so that it can distort our views on fellow human beings ...
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Priceless: Discussing Human Value and Disability

When you come in contact with persons with a disability, how do you react? Many people, out of politeness and not wanting to make ...
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