Many of us remember the Christmas pageants from our childhood church experience, with children dressed as Mary, Joseph, the animals, the star, and more. In these pageants, we hear a single nativity story, starting with Mary's encounter with Gabriel on through the visit of the wise men with their gifts. What many of us perhaps don't recognize is that this is one harmonized account of two strikingly different nativity accounts found in Matthew and Luke. On today's edition of the AC Podcast, Steve and Wesley sit down together (virtually) to discuss the differences between these two accounts from an apologetic angle.
Same Coin, Two Sides: Discussing the Two Nativity Accounts in Matthew and Luke
Links & Articles
New American Commentary on Matthew by Craig Blomberg
Baker Exegetical Commetnary on Luke (2 vols.) by Darrell L. Bock
Intro Music

Amped Adapter by Marc Robillard
Outro Music

In Motion by Stefano Mastronardi