The Canada Summer Jobs program is a grant program intended to support employers in hiring secondary and post-secondary students so they can gain valuable work experience. The Liberal government in Canada, though, has been getting lots of media attention after making it a requirement for applicants to sign off on the attestation stating both the job and the mandate of the applying organization must respect, among other things, reproductive rights (read rights to abortion). Many pro-life and church groups are calling this discriminatory as it forces them to violate their conscience, effectively barring them from the grant on the basis of their beliefs. Andy and Steve are back this week to share their thoughts on this controversy.
Soviet Canada?: Free to Believe But Not Free to Act
Links & Articles
Trudeau Calls Out Anti-Abortion Groups Angered About Summer Job Funding from The Huffington Post
Corbella: In the name of tolerance, Trudeau attacks faith and those who serve others from Calgary Herald
OPINION | Trudeau is asking religious Canadians to betray their conscience for federal funding from CBC News
Kelly McParland: Our flippant prime minister simply won't tolerate differing views from National Post
Liberals Block Pro-Life Organizations from Canada Summer Jobs Program from Lighthouse News
Intro Music

by Zac Nelson
Outro Music

Land Called Fantasy
by Following You
We are losing our Canada as we know it.