
When the Church Breaks Your Heart

If you’ve been a part of a church community for any length of time, you’ve likely experienced moments of hurt, disappointment, or even betrayal. These painful incidents often drive people away from their local congregation, their ministry, or, in the worst cases, the faith itself. But what if there’s a way to address these wounds before they push us toward deconstructing our faith? What would it take for us to go from, the Church breaking our hearts, to our hearts breaking for the Church? Join us on this week’s episode as we explore the power of empathy, forgiveness, and restoration within the body of Christ. Listen as Troy, Andy and Steve discuss how we can transform our church experiences into a movement of healing and unity for the whole body of Christ.

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Rekindled Faith: An Interview with Melanie Beerda

Many people struggle to understand who God is, and this struggle often leads them to resent Him and His church. When we wear the label of Christian, we represent the God we serve, and we are responsible for representing Him well. In this week’s episode, Troy sits down with Melanie Beerda, one of AC’s newest adjunct speakers, for a conversation about the rekindling of faith and how we must fight to not let circumstance snuff out a true passion for Christ.

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Reconstruction with John Marriot, author of Set Adrift.

North America has entered the grips of a culture war that has intensified beyond what anyone could have imagined. The culture wars have challenged many to question Christianity and ultimately deconstruct their foundational beliefs in God and themselves. With significant numbers of people leaving the church, we all have stories of the casualties. How do we stay hopeful and compassionately help the spiritually wounded to re-construct a solid foundation of faith? Join Andy Steiger and special guest John Marriott as they discuss deconstruction on this episode of the AC podcast.

Reconstruction with John Marriot, author of Set Adrift. Read More »

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