
Faith Amplified: How STREETLIGHTS Bible App is Transforming Bible Engagement

Start the new year differently. Many believers resolve to read the Bible more but find it daunting, especially if they’re not natural readers. This challenge inspired Esteban Shed, co-founder of STREETLIGHTS Bible, to combine a love for Jesus and hip-hop into a groundbreaking audio Bible. What began in a basement with a CD player is now a multilingual project transforming how people engage with God’s Word.

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End the Stalemate w/ Tim Muehlhoff

Many people agree that our culture is getting more and more polarized. So much so, in fact, we often don’t even get to the point of disagreeing with someone else. We write one another off and refuse even to hold a conversation. In this kind of cultural climate, what can we do to prevent, or even remedy this stalemate? Steve sat down with Dr. Tim Muehlhoff of the Winsome Convictions project to discuss the latest book he co-wrote with his colleague, Dr. Sean McDowell.

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Why Do We Need Baby Jesus?: The Incarnation

As we prepare for Christmas, the team at AC sat down to discuss the significance of the incarnation. Why is Jesus’ birth so important and worth celebrating? Christian doctrine has always held that Jesus’ birth is of incredible theological importance. Baby Jesus sets the stage for not only his life and death but how we are to understand the very nature of who God is and who we are in light of that. In this week’s episode of the AC Podcast, The Quad explores the importance of Jesus’ infancy and why the miracle of Immanuel matters for all of humanity—from the cradle (or manger) to the grave.

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Wes Huff vs. Billy Carson: Tale of the Text

Back in October AC’s very own Wes participated in an online debate with the globally known ancient aliens and New Age proponent, Billy Carson. What could have otherwise been a relatively normal event has turned into somewhat of a fiasco, with Billy attempting to suppress the footage and even going as far as to threaten to sue Wes! On this week’s episode the quad: Andy, Troy, Steve, and Wes, sat down to reveal the story behind the story.

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RightNow Media: An Interview with the President, Brian Mosley

On this week’s episode of the AC Podcast, Troy sits down with Brian Mosley, President of RightNow Media, a Bible-based, video content platform created for the purpose of discipling people on their faith journey. With the entertainment world driven by visual content. How can the church create high art, great content without compromising the gospel message? What does it look like to create safe spaces for the church to engage in multiple faith-based conversations without straying from core beliefs? Listen to this week’s episode as Troy and Brian discuss these questions and more.

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Good Hearted & Smart Minded Christian: An Interview With Kim Tan

We all know that charity is good but it can be done badly. How do we wisely engage the complicated issues of our world in a way that leads to real human flourishing? It’s amazing to see what’s possible when Jesus inspires both our heart and mind guided by the Holy Spirit. On this episode of the AC Podcast, Andy Steiger sits down with Kim Tan to discuss how a Chrisitan can be both good hearted and smart minded.

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Answering Questions from the Ontario, Apologetics Canada Conference

This week on the AC Podcast, we recap our final major event of the year—the Apologetics Canada Conference: Can I Trust the Bible? Held at Glad Tidings Church in Burlington, Ontario, the conference brought together the entire AC team and over 300 attendees for a weekend of engaging sessions. As always, the Q&A segments were a highlight, though time didn’t allow us to address every question. In this episode, the team tackles some of the notable questions submitted by attendees.

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The Air We Breathe: with Glen Scrivener

Is Christian history the deepest explanation of the modern world? Today in the west, many consider the church to be dead or dying. Christianity is seen as outdated, bigoted and responsible for many of society’s problems. This leaves many believers embarrassed about their faith and many outsiders wary of religion. But what if the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern Western values, but the very thing that makes sense of them? In this episode Glen Scrivener engages in a conversation with Wesley Huff live at the AC Conference: “Can I Trust the Bible?” in Burlington Ontario. Glen shares how the story of how the teachings of Jesus not only turned the ancient world upside down, but continue to underpin the way we think of life, worth, and meaning. Far from being a relic from the past, the distinctive ideas of Christianity, such as freedom, kindness, progress and equality, are a crucial part of the air that we breathe.

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Calling Out False Teachers

For as long as the Christian faith has existed, interpretations and practice of biblical faith have varied. But there’s a significant difference between differing of opinion on non-salvific issues and the outright teaching of a false gospel. So, how do we handle false teaching and teachers? This week on the AC Podcast, Troy, Andy, and Wes discuss the complexities of “Calling Out False Teachers” and explore what it means to defend the faith with grace and true, while valuing the person.

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