
Whose Fault is it Anyway?: Parental Responsibility in a Contradictory Culture

Parenting comes with responsibilities. On that much, just about everyone can agree. But how should we hold parents responsible for the crimes of their children? And to what end? Such questions are being raised again in the wake of yet another school shouting in the US, this time in Georgia. Using this incident as a springboard, Andy, Steve, and Troy jump into a discussion about parenting, responsibility, birth rates, the State and other related cultural issues in this week’s edition of the AC Podcast.

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Slavery, Equality, and Galileo: A Response to O’Connor

In some circles, there has been a recent increase in the awareness of the importance of Judaeo-Christian values for the Western civilization. From the abolition of slavery to the rise of modern science, these values have played a foundational role. But what do you do with slavery in the Bible? What do you do with Paul’s teaching against women teaching men? What about the Church’s opposition to Galileo? Andy, Steve, and Wes are back this week as they continue to offer their reactions to the dialogue between Alex O’Connor and Ben Shapiro.

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Celebrating 500 Episodes!

This is a special week in the life of AC. This week marks the 500th episode of the AC Podcast! From three guys huddled around a single mic, to reaching thousands of people, a lot has happened in the last 10 years of running the show. Join us for this special edition of the AC Podcast as we celebrate this milestone. Not only will you hear from “The Quad,” but you will also hear from podcast fans!

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Lights, Camera … Agenda!: The Complexities of Hollywood’s Culture War

Storytelling has the great power to shape the minds and consciences of people. That’s what makes Hollywood such an important player among our cultural institutions. Against the backdrop of an increasingly shrill culture war, Hollywood, in general, seems to be shaping people’s imaginations in a particular direction. On the other hand, there are films like “Sound of Freedom” that are going in a different direction. What are we to make of this? Join Andy, Steve, Troy, and Wes (“the Quad”) as they sit down together to share their thoughts on the way movies are consumed.

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Disagreement Doesn’t Equal Dehumanization

“My humanity is not up for debate.” This statement, often made by activists, comes in recognition of the serious nature of dehumanization. When we fail to see the humanity of others, we can do horrible things to one another. At the same time, this statement has many layers of ideas behind it. What is human? What is dehumanization? What is the relationship between our actions and our identity? Andy, Steve, and Wes sat down together to unpack these ideas in this week’s episode of the AC Podcast.

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