The Apologetics Canada Podcast helps churches understand and speak the language of our culture and address questions being asked with intellectual honesty, gentleness and respect. We also offer a podcast for kids.


AC Does Denver: An Update from ETS / EPS 2018

Andy, Steve, and Terry are in nerd haven this week at the 70th annual Evangelical Theological (and Philosophical) Society meetings. What are some sessions ...
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Mere Molinism: Reconciling Human Freedom and God’s Foreknowledge

Pull out a pad of paper and pen, put your thinking caps on, and jump into this second half of Steve's interview with Tim ...
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Why Freedom Matters: The Importance of Free Will in Love and Rationality

Freedom is a highly prized concept in the West, particularly in North America. In order for us to have freedom, we need free will. ...
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Strategic Compassion: An Interview with the President of Compassion Canada

Poverty is something we can all see and want to combat. Yet, it's not always easy to define what poverty is. What is true ...
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Being a Public Christian

What happens when a pastor becomes a business consultant? It may seem at first glimpse like it is an odd switch with the two ...
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Authentically Emergent: An Interview with Dr. R. Scott Smith

You may remember names such as Brian McLaren, Rob Bell, Tony Jones, and others from the so-called Emergent Church movement that gained popularity about ...
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The Future of Apologetics: With Voices from the Past

If you've been a regular listener, you are in for a treat. As the AC Podcast celebrates its 200th episode milestone, Terry and Steve ...
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Confident Pluralism: An Interview with Dr. John D. Inazu

We live in a society with a plurality of views. This can be a good thing, but, as we've all been observing lately in ...
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Faith Beyond Belief: An Interview with Jojo Ruba

Are you looking for solid Canadian apologetics ministries? Steve is back this week to introduce you to one of them. In this week's episode, ...
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Won’t You Be My Neighbour?

Many adults both in Canada and the US remember seeing Fred Rogers growing up. In many ways, he was the hallmark of our childhood ...
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How the West Really Lost God

Conventional wisdom says that secularization is the result of increasing access and quality of education and affluence. This seems to explain why it is ...
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Why Does God Allow Evil?

While some objections to Christianity seem to be more or less time-bound fads, others seem to be perennial. The question of evil and suffering ...
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