
Pope Francis’ Comments on AI at G7

The Annual G-7 Summit just took place in Italy, where world delegates discussed many pressing issues. Among them, the response from first-time attendee Pope Francis has sparked renewed conversation about dehumanization. The pope urged fellow leaders to take a firm stand on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, warning against the dangers of blurred ethical lines. In this week’s episode of the AC podcast, Troy, Andy, and Steve explore the significance of shifting from a “culture of comfort” to a “culture of encounter,” in response to Christ’s call for community
In this week’s episode of the AC podcast, Troy and Andy delve into the Malawian struggle aptly named, “The Hungry Season.” This annual period of drought leads to widespread starvation across the country. Tune in as they share their insights and challenge Western notions of technology, resources, and stewardship.

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Out of the Ashes: Uncovering History with A.I.

Buried, burnt, and bygone. An entire library of ancient scrolls was buried under the ash and lava of Mt. Vesuvius in the city of Herculaneum, a Roman village less than 20km from the famous city of Pompei. But with some amazing new technology, these scrolls are being unrolled (digitally at least) and we can peer through the charred ash and carbon to read them for the first time in nearly 2000 years. Wes, Andy, and Troy get together on this week’s podcast to talk about the Herculaneum papyri and other advances in technology that have an impact on helping us have confidence in the historical evidence of the Bible.

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The Ethics of AI: Outsourcing Our Humanity

ChatGPT is bringing AI into the spotlight of cultural dialogue again. Some are excited about its potential, as it gives us a sandbox where we can create whatever our imaginations tell us. Others are less enthused, invoking images from dystopian sci-fi movies like The Terminator. Further, as technology develops at break-neck speed, our laws are playing catch-up. Andy, Steve, and Troy met virtually this week to discuss some of the pitfalls of AI that we should be mindful of.

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In Chat GPT We Trust?: Ethical Implications of Artificial Creativity

We’ve talked about Artificial Intelligence before on the AC Podcast, highlighting it’s growing influence on our culture. In many of those conversations however there was some form of parameters that would limit the average person from ever using it, be it opportunity or finance. But as of November 2022 a new search engine platform CHAT GPT has been unveiled and taken the AI world to new heights… or perhaps depths. From social media marketing plans to the ability to write an entire scholastic paper, the possibility are.. seemingly endless. Tune into the AC Podcast as Troy and Wes share their thoughts on essentially the new Ask Jeeves on steroids.

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